Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why Discouragement (Part 3)

This is the final post on "Why Discouragement."  In my first post I explained the difference between disappointment and discouragement.  In Part 2 I covered what discouragement is and listed fifteen causes of discouragement (the list could be endless).  In this post I want to identify some of the consequences of discouragement and how to avoid it.

Consequences of Discouragement

There is no reason you and I have to live a life of discouragement.  God has made it possible for us to live free of discouragement.  There are times I'm sure you might not think so, but nothing is impossible with God (this is a link to Bethel's Praise and Worship Band singing "Healer" and it's a free download if you like).   Even though God desires for us to live free of discouragement there are still many people who are discouraged.  And because of that we have to understand that there will be negative consequences when we live a discouraged life.  I want to list nine consequences followed by four strategies that will help you avoid discouragement.

  1. Unhappiness.  This is the opposite of where God wants you.  God's people should be the happiest people in the world, but because of discouragement we often are not.  You need to make a choice to be happy.  Living in unhappiness will never bring happiness!
  2. You look for someone else to blame for your discouragement. The blame game can be a very popular yet unhealthy game among people, especially couples.  It's time we stop blaming others for our situation. 
  3. You become angry at your circumstances. Sometimes we get upset with the circumstances we ourselves have created! Be careful not to create circumstances you will have to live with.
  4. You become estranged from people.  Discouragement will cause you to become a loner to the point where you disassociate yourself from everyone.  
  5. You have a poor self-image and your self-esteem gets lower and lower. A lot of people have low self-esteem.  The only remedy for that is to begin to see yourself as God sees you.
  6. You begin to make unwise decisions.  Discouragement will take you to the place that you can't make any good clear decision and as a result you begin to get into a bigger mess than you were already in.
  7. You become self-centered.  Usually discouragement will cause people to think more about themselves rather than other people.
  8. You have a critical attitude.  You begin to be critical of your spouse, your children, your job, your church, etc.  
  9. You begin to drift spiritually.  This is one of the most devastating consequences of discouragement.  You will begin to drift and not attend church.  You stop reading your Bible, and fellowshiping with others.  Be careful of this else you will remain in your discouragement.
How To Avoid Discouragement

Here are four strategies you can employ to ensure you avoid discouragement.

  1. Have a growing relationship with the Lord.  Being close to God will make all the difference in the world.  When your trust and faith is in Him first, all the things you need will be there.
  2. Stay in the Word.  The Word is food for our soul.  You should be reading your Bible every day. Not just read it, but study it.  Allow God's Word to speak to your spirit.  God's Word isn't just another book.  It is unique in that it is a "spiritual" book and should be understood with the mind of the Spirit.  It is alive and life changing.  Allow God's Word to change your life.
  3. Stay prayed up.  Prayer is two way communication.  Once you have prayed, then it's important for you to listen and allow God to speak to you and reveal to you what He wants for you.
  4. Stay in church.  Fellowship with other believers is vital for you to stay encouraged.  When we don't have the communion with our fellow believers it will lead us to discouragement.
God really desires for you to live discouragement free.  Allow Him to rule and direct your life today and you will find the strength to live an encouraged life!

-- Pastor Temple

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