Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Why Discouragement (Part 2)

This will be a relatively short post but nonetheless a very important one.  I think it is vital that people understand what causes their discouragement.  There is no way I could list every situation you  may encounter that could bring discouragement over your lifetime.  But I think there are some common causes that we all should be aware of and I want to list fifteen of them here.

Some Causes Of Discouragement

  1. Unresolved disappointment.  If you have had disappointment in your life, which we all have, then it is critical to your mental and emotional health and well being that you come to a resolution regarding the disappointment.
  2. Constant criticism.  Too many people have come under the onslaught of constant negative
    criticism.  They may have been raised in a dysfunctional family where they never received any type of positive reinforcement.  If that's the case, then this constant criticism can be a cause for discouragement later in their life.
  3. Unanswered prayer.  All of us have had unanswered prayers.  We can be confident that God will answer the prayers of our needs, but too often we pray for things we want and not for things we need.  Don't allow and unanswered prayer to discourage you in your life.
  4. Feel like you can't please God.  There are many people who are Christians and for whatever reason they feel like they can't please God. But you need to know that God loves you and accepts you no matter what your feelings!  
  5. Habits or addictions you can't conquer.  Here is what you need to know about this, "God is bigger than your addiction."  God wants you to get beyond that and He stands ready to deliver you!
  6. You live with someone you can't please.  Unfortunately there are a lot of couples who live together but they are not "one" together in the spirit.  When your mate makes constant demands and you can never live up to them, that will definitely discourage you.  If that's the case you need to seek some help through counseling to resolve this issue.
  7. Verbal and physical abuse.  Verbal abuse can be just as devastating as physical abuse.  The constant putting down of others will bring about discouragement in their life.
  8. You are considered a failure.  Many people grow up feeling like they are a failure.  This low self esteem will lead people to think they can never be a success.  God doesn't see you as a failure and you should learn to look at yourself the way God does.
  9. Financial pressures because of bad decisions.  I'm not talking about financial problems because of layoff or sickness, I'm talking about financial pressures because of spending money carelessly.  Often we buy something we know we shouldn't then have "buyers remorse" and get discouraged because we have put a strain on our finances.
  10. Lack of opportunity at work.  Sometimes we have to make our own opportunity and a lot of that depends on our work ethic.  If you want to succeed at work, be sure to develop a good work ethic and opportunities will come.
  11. You do not feel like anybody loves you.  Everyone has felt this way at sometime or other. Whether or not anyone else loves you, you must remember, that God loves you!  To feel love, you must give love.
  12. A bad health problem.  Sickness is a major cause of discouragement.  When the doctors give you a bad report, it is easy to get discouraged.  But it is important that you remain positive and believe that God has a better report.  Put the situation in God's hands and allow him to bring about the resolution.
  13. News that you don't have long to live.  This is definitely a cause of discouragement.  But even in the face of this type of news, you can be encouraged because God has a bigger plan for your life.  Paul said for me to "live is Christ, and to die is gain."
  14. A negative work situation.  Since so much of your time is spent with your career, it is easy to become discouraged when your work environment is negative.
  15. Unrealistic expectations of oneself.  There are often things we require of ourselves that realistically we can't do.  So be realistic with what you can do.
Next time I will cover the consequences of discouragement and how to avoid discouragement.

Leave a comment and let me know if there are any other cause of discouragement that you have experienced in your life.

-- Pastor Temple

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