Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Breaking The Chains Of Bondage (Part 5)

In this post I want to share with you why it is that many people never break free from the bondage they are in, and then give you a few steps that will set you on the path to freedom!

1. Why Many Never Break Free

The reasons are many, but one of the primary reasons is of a persons own doing.  In other words too many people refuse to put God first in their life.  God is always an "afterthought"  to them.  Another reason people stay trapped in their bondage, is that they never see it as a spiritual battle and they have lived with it for so long. They must be willing to take the time to learn God's Word and understand their authority before they will be "set free."
2. The Three Sources of Strongholds
Strongholds are derived from three sources:

  • Our past experiences:  Strongholds have their root in the experiences you have had.  You must remember that what happened in your past is never the issue that brings bondage, but rather how we "related" to what happened is what brings the bondage.
  • Our environment:  What is considered normal and acceptable by the world around us may be in direct conflict with the Word of God. These beliefs become entrenched in our minds and form strongholds that keep us in bondage.
  • False Conclusions:  False information produces false conclusions in our thinking.  People accommodate a stronghold for so long that their personalities are identified with it.  Abnormal then seems normal!

3.  Nature of Bondage
You have to understand that everyone who practices sin is the slave of sin (John 8:34).  If anything
is controlling you (aside from Jesus), you are in bondage to it to some degree.  Only Christ can liberate us from the things that enslave our soul and spirit.

4. Process of Bondage
Bondage begins with a desire for something that seems innocent and harmless.  You begin by ignoring the warnings of your conscience, and believing that what you are doing is helping meet a need.  You believe the enemy's lie that it won't hurt you, although it has destroyed others. After a while you become comfortable with the sin because your conscience becomes dull.  Although you may hate the issue that keeps you in bondage you may dread confessing its power over your life even more.

5.  Admitting You Have A Spiritual Problem
The first step to freedom is admitting you have a spiritual problem and not a physical one.  If someone isn't willing to admit their problem is spiritual they won't find freedom.

6.  Making A Decision To Be Free
The decision to be free is up to YOU!  You must make that decision and turn from the bondage that Satan has put you in through his strongholds.  You must deliberately take steps to embrace God's freedom and power not yours.  If you need some guidance and accountability, just make sure the person helping you is Christ-centered and trustworthy.

If you believe that Jesus redeemed you from sin, then know He can and will set you free from any spiritual bondage.  Deliverance from bondage begins with crying out to God with a sincere heart just as David did (Psalm 34:17).

God is ready are you?

Pastor Temple

Monday, March 18, 2013

Breaking The Chains Of Bondage (Part 4)

Spiritual warfare cannot be fought successfully without some understanding of what a stronghold is and how it creates a bondage in your life.  And the bondage serves only one intent, and that is to destroy your relationship with God.  Unless you can be free from the bondage in your life, you cannot be as effective as God wants you to be.  Today, I want to share with you five aspects of strongholds and their affects on your life.

1. What Are Strongholds

A stronghold in the Old Testament was a fortification for protection from the enemy.  In this sense, a stronghold is a good thing if it's God's stronghold that is protecting you.  Unfortunately, too many strongholds have their origin with Satan.  And when you give into those, you come into bondage.  Paul defined strongholds  as speculations or lofty things that are raised up against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5).  Another definition would be a "mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes us to accept something that we know is contrary to the will of God."
2. How Strongholds Take Root
In order to fully understand how to rid ourselves from strongholds, it is important that we understand how they first take root in our lives. Strongholds come from "worldly influences."  Many strongholds are the result of an accumulation of uncrucified thoughts and unsanctified attitudes that have ruled our lives during our formative years.  We have a mindset that has been shaped by our parents and educators as well as the ungodly environment in which we live.  As Christians the only acceptable truth is the truth of God's Word.

3. Common Strongholds
Just because you are a Christian, it doesn't mean you are exempt from strongholds.  Some of the more common ones include: fear, resentment, bitterness, anger, unforgiveness, apathy, unbelief, depression, anxiety, sinful thoughts, addictions, lust, pride, greed, drugs, alcohol, pornography, lukewarmness.

When identifying your strongholds, start with an examination of your heart. Any system of thinking that does not line up with the Word of God, or produces a sense of hopelessness in your life is a stronghold.

4. How People Act Who Have Strongholds
Strongholds expose an inconsistency between what we say and what we do! People with strongholds often cope with them by building a "partition" which separates their mind into two compartments.  On one side is the knowledge of God; on the other side is the knowledge of the world. This fragmentation makes us develop what James describes as a "double mind" and it speaks of instability (James 1:8).

5.  The Devastating Affects Of Strongholds
The most devastating affect of a stronghold is how it weakens your faith in important areas of your lives.  It affects you when you are trying to believe God for a breakthrough but you cannot forgive a past hurt. A stronghold affects you when you need to believe God for a miracle or when you need to have power to witness.  These strongholds will paralyze your faith, that's why it is so important to break the chains of bondage.

Don't allow the influence of the world to attach it's tentacles of bondage to your life!  God is ready to set you free from the enemies strongholds.  Don't allow spiritual darkness to take over your life.  Allow God's Word to light the path of your life. Tell me what you think.  Leave a comment.

Pastor Temple

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Breaking The Chains Of Bondage (Part 3)

In today's post I want to cover what Satan's "intent" is against the believer and what the believer needs to do to "combat" his attacks.  For too long, the devil has stolen too much from God's people.  And he has stolen it because we have opened the door and let him.  But once we realize who we are in Christ and understand and exercise our dominion over him, his robbing and destroying days will be over!

Satan's Intent

Satan has six strategies he intends to use against the believer:

1.  To Capture Your Attention -- He does this in a variety of ways. He will use money, work, entertainment, activities, and other things that are a part of our daily lives and aren't wrong in and of themselves. But his underlying intent is to cause you to become "obsessed" with these things and thereby drawing your attention away from God.

2.  To Attack You When You Are Most Vulnerable -- Satan's intent is to come at you when you are sick, discouraged, hurt, suffering financially, or any other trial you may be going through.  He is looking for an opportunity to attack when your guard is down.  Be aware of that and stay vigil especially when you are experiencing tribulations and hardships.

3.  To Create Doubt -- Satan's strategy is to get you to doubt God and His Word.  He knows if he can accomplish that, you will be ineffective as a Christian.  But the Bible tells us in 1 Peter 5:9  "Whom resist steadfast in the faith..."

4.  To Get You In A Debate -- Rather than get into a debate with the devil, simply do as Jesus did and reply "It is written in the Word of God..." Don't get into a debate based on human knowledge and wisdom, just stick with the Word of God.

5.  To Deceive You -- Satan is the master of deception.  We can't be ignorant of his devices or his deception (2 Corinthians 2:11).  The only way we can stay away from Satan's deception is to know the Word of God and live accordingly.

6.  To Bring Division -- Be careful of the "division" Satan desires to bring into your life and into the church.  He knows that if he can keep you divided that he can make your life ineffective.  Division brings conflict, misery, confrontation, and destruction. (Matthew 12:25)  Don't fall into that trap!

How To Combat An Attack

I want to share with you four strategies that will enable you to combat and win the attacks of Satan.

1.  Identify The Enemy -- You can't fight the enemy effectively until you know who he is.  Often we are fighting the symptom rather than the cause. Lying, stealing, killing, drug addiction, homosexuality and others are all symptoms and not the real cause or enemy.  Don't focus your attention on the symptom, but rather on the real cause, which is Satan and on the answer which is God.

2.  Stay Prepared -- The enemy is always prepared and you must stay prepared also.  Many battles have been lost due to a lack of preparation. You must be constantly in tune with God and keep alert in prayer (1 Peter 5:8).

3.  Deal With It Immediately -- The most critical moment of decision is when Satan initially attacks you.  To ignore the attack doesn't make it go away. The enemy is persistent and we must be also.

4.  Depend On God And His Word To Help You -- It is the truth of God's Word that sets you free!  There are things we face in life that are bigger than we are and we can't depend solely on ourselves to defeat them. If we are going to be victorious and free, our dependency must be on God and His Word.

God wants us to walk in victory!  And this victory is made possible through the power of the cross!  As a believer you can be free from Satan's powers over your life, marriage, family, children, and business.  It's time to take back what Satan's has stolen.  Do it today!

Pastor Temple

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Breaking The Chains Of Bondage (Part 2)

Make no mistake about it, Satan has his ways, but...God's ways are better!  Even though God's ways are better, most don't understand this and as a result they continue to live under an assault from their enemy the devil.  It is unfortunate, but I sincerely believe there has never been a generation on the face of the earth that has felt such a continuous assault of demonic forces as this generation in which we live.  If you plan to win these battles, then you must position yourself spiritually so that you can recognize the enemy forces when they come against you.  To do this, you have to know three things: 1.) How the devil works; 2.) What his objectives are; and 3.) The truth of God's Word.

1.  How The Devil Works

John 8:42-44 gives us a clear picture of how Satan works.  These verses tell us that Satan is a murderer, he doesn't hold to the truth, he speaks lies, he is the father of lies and that lying is his "native language."   In other words, Satan will never tell you the truth!  You need to know that.  Satan will try to cause you to believe as true every thought that comes into your mind.  But if that thought isn't consistent with the Word of God, then it is a lie!   2 Corinthians 10:4-5 admonishes believers to "demolish every argument and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and to take captive every 'thought' to make it obedient to Christ."  Your thought life is not to master you, but you are to master it as you submit your life to the power of Christ.

2.  Satan's Objectives

Although Satan has many schemes and plans to try to destroy your life his four main objectives are the following:

  • To Draw You Away From God.  Satan is masterful at drawing God's people into the ways of the "world system."  He will use every means necessary, sports, entertainment, leisure, work, etc.  None of these are evil, but Satan uses them to keep you so busy with the "world system" that you neglect prayer, study, Bible reading, and fellowship with believers.
  • To Hinder God's Purpose.  God has a plan and purpose for your life, but so does the enemy.  And the two are diametrically opposed to each other.  Just know that Satan will do all he can to keep you from God's plan.
  • To Deny God Honor And Glory.  In addition to fulfilling God's mission to save humanity, one of your primary purposes is to give and bring honor and glory to God.  Satan wants to hinder that so he can steal it for himself.
  • To Destroy Us.  John 10:10 clearly states that "the thief (Satan) comes to steal, kill and destroy."  But Jesus has come to give "life" and that more abundantly!

3.  The Truth Of God's Word

Luke 9:1-2, "Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure disease. And he sent them to preach the kingdom of God, and to heal the sick."

Luke 10:19, "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you."

Mark 16:15-18, "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

John 14:12, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father."

I John 5:4-5, "For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world; and this the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?"

Romans 8:37, "Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us."

Satan has his ways, but God's ways are better and more powerful!  Let's start living up to God's ways.

Pastor Temple