Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Search For Peace

Peace is a major concern for everyone.  Millions if not billions of dollars are spent each year trying to come up with a plan that would bring peace to the world. Yet with all the efforts from a myriad of people and countries, still no one has a feasible plan for creating world peace.  The truth is, we may never have world peace until Jesus comes back!  But that doesn't mean we can't have peace in our heart regardless of what's happening in the world.  Jesus can give us a "peace that passes all understanding."

It's sad that most people have no idea of what true peace really is or what is the source of true peace.  Some may experience brief moments of peace, but never realize it as being something that can be a permanent way of life.  God's desire is for everyone to live a transformed life full of peace, joy, and happiness.  Colossians 3:15 instructs us that God wants His peace to "live and rule in your heart."  God is the one and only true source of lasting peace.

We must have peace in three different relationships.  The first one is: 

1. Peace with God.
There was a time when we were far away from God.  We had no promise, we had no hope, and we were separated from God. But the birth of Jesus proclaims that God in His love, sent us His Son, that through Him we could have peace with God by making Jesus Christ our Savior.  In fact, the only way to God is through Jesus Christ.

The concept that Jesus is the only way to have peace with God is difficult for many to accept because we live in a world that embraces virtually everything, and says that one religion is as good as another, or one way of life is as good as another.  And when Christianity affirms that there is only one way to God, the world views it as narrow and closed minded.  But telling the truth as it is identified in God's Word is not narrow minded.  If a doctor were to tell you that insulin was the only suitable medication for your diabetes, would you insist on taking aspirin for a cure and call him "narrow minded" because he insisted that you take insulin?  He isn't being narrow minded, he is being loving and compassionate because he is telling you the truth.

When the church preaches the truth it may be perceived as being narrow minded but in reality it is being loving and compassionate.  Peace with God, only comes through Jesus Christ.

2. Peace With Ourselves.

Jesus is the source of our peace within. We can be at peace with ourselves because we are at peace with Jesus, the "Prince of Peace."  Ephesians 2:13 states "For he is our peace, who hath made both one..."  Jesus offers us a peace that no matter what the circumstances are around us, we can be at peace within ourselves.  As long as we are just "flirting" with Christianity we will never be at peace with God or ourselves.  It is only when we have surrendered ourselves to God, and God has filled up the vacuum and emptiness inside of us that peace will come.

3.  Peace With One Another.

Jesus is also the source of our peace among others.  It's ironic that the very place of the birth of the Prince of Peace is also a place where there has always been conflict and war.  It is estimated that in all of recorded history, that less than 8 percent can be described as times of peace.  Over the past 300 years there have been over 280 wars in Europe.  From 1500 B.C. to A.D. 1860 there have been more than 8,000 peace treaties signed with the intent to last forever, but the average time they actually remained in effect was for only two years.

Humanity is constantly at "odds" with one another. Our courts are a good indication of how difficult it is for people to live in harmony and peace.  The good news is that in this war-torn world, God sent His personal, visible representative of "peace on earth, and good will toward men."

If we are to have peace with others, we must have peace with God and ourselves and that only comes through emptying ourselves before Him.  When we have made peace with God, we can begin to live at peace with ourselves and with others.

When was the last time you experienced absolute peace in your heart?  Did it last?  If not, then it's time to turn your life over to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ!  When you let Jesus rule and reign in your heart He will guard your heart in peaceful ways beyond what you can ever imagine!

Friday, December 23, 2011

How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas (Part 2)

This is the last part on my discussion regarding how Christians should celebrate Christmas.  The intent of both my posts is to simply bring some clarity to this very important event...the birth of the Incarnate Deity, Jesus Christ.

Argument #4: Christmas Trees are Condemned by God

It is thought that in Jeremiah 10:2-4 that God explicitly condemned the Christmas Tree.  As you read that passage, there is a resemblance between the thing described in Jeremiah 10 and the Christmas tree, but "resemblance" does not equal "identity."  What Jeremiah described was an idol---a representation of a false god, as the next verse Jeremiah 10:5 clearly shows--"[Their idols] are like pillars of turned work...do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it possible for them to do good." (AMP).

A careful examination of these scriptures shows, that God is not condemning trees of any sort, including Christmas trees, but rather the use of the trees cut down and shaped into idols for the sole purpose of idol worship.  The context for these scriptures is the denunciation of making and worshiping idols and not the decoration of evergreen trees in the home.

We don't put Christmas trees up for the purpose of worshiping them, if we did we would leave them up all year long and not put it into a box to be stored in the attic for another 11 months!

Argument #5: The Uncertainty of the Date of Christ's Birth

Many will say that we don't know when Jesus was born and that December 25 was the date of a pagan festival in the Roman Empire in the fourth century, which is when Christmas began to be widely celebrated.

The fact that December 25 was a date of a pagan festival doesn't prove that Christmas is pagan and it doesn't invalidate the celebration of Christ's birth which we call Christmas.  It is believed that to take a pagan festival and try to "Christianize" it is folly.  However, God did exactly that in the Old Testament.  Historical evidence shows conclusively that some of the feasts given to Israel by God were originally pagan agricultural festivals which were filled with idolatrous imagery and practices.

What God did, in effect, was to establish feasts which would replace the pagan festivals without adopting any of the idolatry or immorality associated with them.  It would appear, then, that in principle there is nothing wrong with doing so in the case of Christmas.

Argument #6: What about Santa Claus?

Christmas can involve children in the belief of Santa Claus, a mythical figure, which certainly can detract from the person of Christ.  Parents need to be careful with this mythical figure.

Santa Claus originated with a man by the name of St. Nicholas who went about, often at night, giving gifts to the poor and needy children.  Over the years, the story and legend grew in country after country with various details being deleted and added so that we have our present day Santa Claus here in America.

Parents should treat this character for what it is, a fairy tale much like we might look at Alice in Wonderland or Jack and the Beanstalk.  Parents, don't make Santa out to be some god and don't "lie" to your children that they better be good or Santa won't come.  If you want to present Santa to your children then do it in a manner where it is "make believe" and a fun way to pretend.

Argument #7: Christmas Traditions are from Paganism

We have to understand, that many of our traditions had their origins in paganism.  Even the names of the days of the week  had their origin in pagan beliefs.  Thursday was the "god of thunder," Tuesday was the "god of war," and Sunday and Monday were related to the worship of the sun and moon.  Yet all of the associations of these pagan and ancient beliefs lost their meanings long ago, so that now we think nothing of them.  The same can be said for Christmas traditions.  If we observe the days of the week or the Christmas season with their ancient associations in mind, then certainly it would be wrong.  But many of these things, as with our Sunday, have been given Christian connotations.

I pray you have a very Merry Christmas with your family and always keep in mind that Jesus is the reason we celebrate this special day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How Should Christians Celebrate Christmas (Part 1)

Let's face it, most everyone will agree that Christmas, as the world celebrates it, has been commercialized, secularized, and materialized.  It would be hard to argue against that point.  But having said that, does that mean, Christians, are to completely abandon any recognition of Christmas and follow the belief that celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world (Jesus the Christ) is in essence promoting paganism and materialism?  I hardly think so.  I would like to take a reasoned and Biblical approach to examining many of the arguments people present when they are "opposed" to Christians celebrating Christmas.

Argument #1: Christmas is Commercialized and Materialistic
 For the most part, this is true.  But isn't it always the work of Satan to distort and ruin everything in life.  Even the story about the birth of Christ is often distorted, mocked, or misrepresented.  Yet the Bible is very clear that this event was important!  It was prophesied about in the Old Testament and is recorded in three of the four Gospels.  If we use the argument that Christmas is commercialized and materialistic as a legitimate reason for discarding the entire celebration of Christ's birth at Christmas, it would follow that we would end up having to throw out many things that we use and value everyday, Bibles, our spouses, marriage, the church, food, etc. Why?  Because Satan and man distorts and ruins all of these and even more.

We celebrate other holidays and don't consider them to be pagan, yet they are commercialized as much as Christmas.  Holidays such as New Years, Labor Day, Mother's Day, 4th of July, Easter or Resurrection Sunday, etc.  Just because the world distorts something, does not make it evil.  Some will say 1 Thessalonians 5:22 tells us to "abstain from all appearance of evil."  But a quick study of the Greek word for "appearance" shows us that the word really means "form" or "kind" of evil.  We are to avoid not what may "appear" evil, but those things that are genuinely evil according to the Word of God.

If God thought that the birth of the Savior was important enough to include in the Bible, then shouldn't we consider it important enough to recognize and celebrate?  Not as the world does, but as we chose!

Argument #2: Scripture Doesn't Authorize It

There are many, many things, days, and ideas that we embrace every day that the Bible does not specifically authorize.  For example, where in the Bible does it tell us to sing from hymnals, or use a "public address" system, or utilize any form of multimedia?  Where in the Bible does it authorize Christian schools, Sunday School, or service on a Wednesday night? If we only use the Bible for validating special services or seasons, then we would not celebrate Thanksgiving Day or have a "dedication service" for a new building.  Why?  Because the only illustrations of such things are found in the Old Testament and not the New Testament.

Just because "scripture doesn't authorize" something or some celebration, doesn't mean it not legitimate or makes it some how pagan in nature.

Argument #3: Scripture Doesn't Mention Celebrating Jesus' Birthday

This is one of the most basic arguments brought against celebrating Christmas.  Some believe that since the only people in the Bible who celebrated their own birthdays were the evil men, Pharaoh and Herod that God takes a dim view of celebrating birthdays in general.  And therefore, God would not approve of celebrating Jesus' birthday.

First of all, the Bible says nothing against the practice of celebrating birthdays.  What was bad in the cases of Pharaoh and Herod was not that they celebrated their birthdays, but that they did evil on their birthdays.  I can go to a game with friends and there is nothing wrong or evil about it.  But many there may "participate" in what you might say are "evil" activities, but I do not, does that make going to the game "evil?"  Absolutely not!  The issue isn't the game or the observance of Christmas, but the reason, attitudes, spirit, and actions in which it is done.

There is scriptural precedent for commemorating and remembering the birth of Christ:
  • The appearance of the angels to announce the birth of Christ (Luke 2:10-12)
  • The response of the angels at the announcement (Luke 2:13-14)
  • The actions of the shepherds to go to the birth place (Luke 2:15-20)
  • The arrival of the men from the east bearing gifts as much as 2 years later after the birth (Matthew 2:1-12)
The early church met on Sunday in celebration of the Lord's resurrection, but scripture doesn't command us to do so.  In fact the believers met daily in the early church.  Does that mean we should do the same?  No, because that is not a "binding" command.  Believers met on Sunday because of its significance and because the early church set a precedent for it, but it was never commanded in the Bible.

Ultimately, the issue is not the season, it's the attitude and reason behind it.

More to come in the next post....

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Foundation of Truth and Righteousness

In the midst of a society that is without morals and values it is important for Christians to make a difference and strive for truth and righteousness.  It is only truth and righteousness that will help us to meet the challenge of becoming morally pure in a society that is morally bankrupt, and it is only on the foundation of truth and righteousness that we will be able to raise godly children. Psalms 89:14 declares that "Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face."  You see, truth and righteousness are the ways of God and we must understand that as Christians we are in a battle for these holy principles and Satan is doing everything in his power to steal the truth from the hearts and minds of Christians.

The Foundation of Truth

When Jesus was brought before Pilate, He had a very interesting conversation with him concerning truth.  During their exchange in John 18:37-38 Pilate asks Jesus the question "What is truth?"  Pilate had heard from so many voices that he wasn't sure what the truth was concerning Jesus.  You see, truth can be a very nebulous concept unless we have an absolute source of truth.  Without the acknowledgement of God, who is the source of all truth, there is no such thing as truth and as a result truth becomes what ever is right for the individual.  A foundation of truth must be established in our lives if we are going to have any hope. So what is the foundation for truth?
  1. Jesus is the Source of all Truth.  Jesus declared that He was "the way, the truth, and the life."  All truth proceeds from Him and is established upon His words and commands.  He represents the absolute standard from which all measurements of truth flows.  He has given us the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth.
  2. The Word of God is Truth.  "Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth."  Truth is the foundation for our sanctification and holiness.
  3. What Happens When Truth is Denied?  Because real truth is a such a foundation to our basic morals and values we will see a decay in our society when we deviate or deny the real truth.  The foundation of truth must be restored and we must come back to the absolutes of Biblical authority, recognizing that God is the source of all truth.
The Real War is Over Truth

We must realize the real war with Satan isn't over abortion, homosexuality, murder, drugs, gang violence, corrupted morals, etc.  These are but symptoms of the war over truth.  Satan's battle is with the truth.  Satan's lies have inundated our society and culture, which has had its affect upon our lives and our children's lives.  Too many people believe that all truth is relative to your situation, personal taste and cultural choice."  And as a result, with the absence of absolute truth, each person does what is right in their own eyes.

It's time for us to put on the armor of God with our waist girded with truth and recover what was taken from us.  We must raise high the banner of truth.  It is time for absolute truth to be restored.  What are you doing to spread the foundation of truth and righteousness?  Is it enough, or could you do more?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Characteristics of the New Testament Church

In Matthew 16:18 Jesus gave Peter and the future New Testament Church a powerful promise.  He stated that "...upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  Jesus is building His Church and it is exciting to be a part of it.  Jesus defined the New Testament Church with two words: power and unity.  The New Testament Church is a church where believers are bonded together by the Holy Spirit, doing the work of God.  There is no time to be complacent, it is time to get busy for God.

So what does this New Testament Church look like?  I believe there are eight distinct characteristics that identify the church according to the book of Acts.
  1. It is a Church with Happy People.  Throughout the book of Acts the believers were depicted as a "joyful" group of people.  Acts 8:8 "And there was great joy in that city." Acts 13:52 "And the disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost."  Acts 15:3 "...and they caused great joy unto all the brethren."  You and I are called to be happy and joyful, not sad!  Don't go by feelings, stir up your spirit that is in you for "the joy of the Lord is your strength."
  2. It is a Loving Church that Cares For one Another.  Caring for each other is one of the greatest commands of the New Testament.  In the Acts, evidence of the believers caring for each other is found in their willingness to sell "their possessions and goods, and part them to all men, as every man had need."  If we desire to be the Church Christ desires us to be, then we must care for each other.
  3. It is a Church of Miracles.  The Church in Acts had faith and power and they expected miracles.  It is time that we begin to believe God for miracles.  Miracles for salvation of loved ones, for healing, and for finances.  We cannot expect miracles of we don't operate in faith and power of the Holy Spirit.
  4. It is a Church of Unity. "...they were all with one accord in one place." (Acts 2:1-4); "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul..." (Acts 4:32); "And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake..." (Acts 8:6); and there are many many other instances of this demonstration of unity within the church.  God's Church is "one!"  It isn't uniform, but it is in unity.
  5. It is a Church that is Committed.  If the Church is to have miracles follow its ministry, it will have to be committed.  Committed to God's Word, committed to ministry, committed to one another, committed to the call, purpose, and commission of Jesus Christ.
  6. It is a Church that Walks in Favor.  Acts 2:47 tells us that the believers were "Praising God, and having favour with all the people.  And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved."  As God's Church we can and should walk in favor with God and man.
  7. It is a Church of Power and Authority.  Acts 1:8 "But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you..."  Christ and given His Church the power and authority to carry on His unfinished work of sharing the gospel with all the world.  It is a great responsibility that God has entrusted to us, but He hasn't left us ill equipped, we have the power of the Holy Spirit living within us.
  8. It is a Church that has a Vision.  To be a part of the New Testament Church you must have a vision.  A vision for your life, your family, your church, and your community.  And it is God who gives life to the vision he has given you.
Jesus Christ is "building His Church."  He wants all of us to be a part of it.  Are you a part of His Church?  If not, then you can be...just simply ask God to forgive you of your sins and believe on Jesus as your Savior!  If you are a part of His Church, then what are you doing to help build the Church of Jesus Christ?  Get involved today and help fulfill God's great commission to "go into all the world and preach the good news of Jesus Christ."