Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Law Of Confession (Part 2)

Whoever said "ignorance is bliss" didn't understand the importance of words and the ability of what we don't know to destroy us.  Just as what we don't know can cause us much trouble, what we do know can keep us out of trouble!  What we know about the power of our confession and of our words has the ability to bring life or death to us.

In this post I want to share with you two principles about how words affect your life and then give you some thoughts from God's Word on what types of attitudes you should and shouldn't confess.

Words Can Work For You Or Against You

One of the problems in the church world today is the failure to recognize the power and authority of the spoken word.  People do "reap what they sow" and that spiritual law is true not only with natural seeds you plant in the garden, but also with the seeds of your words.

Words conceived in your heart and spoken with your mouth, will either release the ability of Satan or the ability of God in your life. Matthew 12:37 tells us that "by thy words thou shalt be justified and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."

Words Mold You, Your Children, and Your Family

This is something that is hard to accept, but the people around you are often the product of your
words.  You should use words of encouragement and faith to create an atmosphere in the home and with your children that will build them up and make them stronger individuals.

Parents can't act one way at church and another at home.  This inconsistency is confusing for children and will cause you to lose them.  It's important to understand that spirituality and true Christian faith is found in the home before it is found at church.

Don't Think Or Talk Like The World

If you have ever been around negative people and listened to them talk, it doesn't take long to figure out why they are so unhappy and defeated.  Romans 12:2 tells us to "not be conformed to this world, but be 'transformed' by they renewing of your mind."  We are not to think and talk like the world thinks and talks.  The world thinks sickness, fear, doubt, defeat, and failure.  The world is programmed to be negative but God's people are not that way.

What To Confess

  • If you are tempted to fear, quote 2 Timothy 1:7 -- God hasn't given you a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.
  • If doubt tries to enter, resist it in the name of Jesus!
  • Confess what God's Word says about your healing, not your sickness.
  • Don't talk about your failures and defeats but rather your successes and your victories.
  • Confess Romans 8:31 -- If God be for us, who can be against us?
  • Confess 1 John 4:4 -- Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world! 
  • These are just some of the "good" things you can confess.  God's Word is full of many, many more!

You are the product of words and words paint pictures on the canvas of your hearts and make you what you are.  What are your words making you?  What kind of words have you been speaking?  What changes do you need to make in your conversations that will cause them to line up with God's Word?  Will you begin today?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Law Of Confession (Part 1)

The words you speak have the power to put you over into life or to hold you in bondage! That is a powerful yet very true statement.  God's Word is very clear on the power of our tongue and words -- Proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

In this post, I want to share with you several scriptures that point to the need for a good confession.

The Law Of The Spirit
  • Galatians 6:7 - There are many ways to sow. You sow through your giving. You sow through
    your doing. You also sow through your speaking.
  • Proverbs 4:23 -Whatever you put in your heart is going to bear fruit. It will grow up and become a part of your speech.
  • Proverbs 6:2 - You are snared by your words. They get you in trouble or keep you out of trouble.
  • Proverbs 12:18 -Your tongue will make you healthy or sickly.
  • Matthew 12:34-37 - This is the law of the Spirit. You get whatever you speak.
  • Hebrews 3:1 - Jesus is the High Priest of what we confess. What we confess is all our intercessor, Jesus Christ has to confess to the Father in our behalf. 
  • Hosea 4:6 - Lack of knowledge has caused men to be destroyed and lives to suffer needless loss. 

God's Word Is Still Powerful Today
  • Hebrews 11:3 - The words that God spoke out of His mouth framed this universe, set it in motion, and it stands today in obedience to the words that God spoke.
  • Mark 11:11-14, 20-21 - Jesus cursed the fig tree and it died. He just spoke words.
  • Hebrews 10:23 - Turn loose of the problem and get hold of your confession.

What Is The Answer?

The answer is in believing and confessing what the Word says.

Many Christians have been taken captive by their own words.  Those that say they can and those that say they can't are both right.  Which are you confessing?

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Mother's Heritage

Yesterday was Mother's Day.  Mother's everywhere were honored and given "special" treatment by their children.  But honoring mothers is  more than a "once a year" event.  Each day we should cherish and honor this most important person in our life.  Make sure you aren't like the ones who say, "Ok, Mother's Day is over, now back to work!"  Although Mother's Day usually involves children giving gifts to their moms, I want to share just a few things mothers can give to their children that will create a heritage that will live on.

1.  Principles -- Mothers should give their children the gift of Biblical principles.  If you want to pass on your faith on to your children, you must set aside time to read the Bible with them and talk with them about spiritual truths.

2.  Godly Example -- Most of the time, children follow in the path of their parents.  That's why it is vital that children see their mother live out a godly example before them.  Mother's serve as an example of influence, attitude, and action.

3.  Persistence -- Very few kids "get it" the first time.  As mothers, you must keep teaching, disciplining, and living faithfully before your children.

4.  Participation -- Get involved doing the things you want them to do. Care about their daily lives.
Don’t just send them to church, take them to church.

5.  Praise -- Learn to praise your kids for the good things they do.  Believe it or not children do more good in a day than bad.  Not every child is going to be an “A” student, but learn to praise them for doing the best they can.  Praise is more effective than condemnation.

6.  Prayer -- Don’t just pray for your kids; pray with them.  Children need to hear their parents pray for them, call their name, and make specific requests for them.  Prayer is one of the most powerful things you can do for your children.   The success of many children is directly related to the prayers of their mother.

7.  Love -- The love of a mother for her children cannot be measured. A mother will run from a mouse in fright and yet face any enemy that is trying to hurt her children without fear. When you feel that no one else loves you, a mother’s love is always there.

8.  Responsibility -- God wants each mother to become the model mother for her children.     Children are guided through life and land safely on the other side because of a mother’s prayers.     Mothers, you count to God!

Although Mother's Day is past, mothers should still be honored each and every day!  Mother's have so much to give and they will leave a heritage that will last a lifetime!

What did you do to show honor to your mother?

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Joy Of Happiness

In this hectic world of depression, divorce, bitterness and hatred, we find that happiness, joy and contentment are precious commodities that are constantly being sought after.  Many advertisements appeal to our natural desire to be happy promising joy and contentment if we will only try their products.  But even with all this appeal to be happy the majority of people have never found true and lasting happiness.

There are two kinds of happiness: one that is based on happenings and one that is based on our relationship with the Lord.  The one based on happenings means you are only happy when things are going well for you. The one based on your relationship with the Lord simply means no matter what the circumstances may be, you are going to have joy and be happy because of who you are in Jesus.

I want to share with you eight practices that will help bring "happiness" into your life.

1.  Count Your Blessings, Not Your Troubles

If we will count our blessings, we will be happier and more thankful to our heavenly Father.  We live in a wonderful nation and if you will take the time to evaluate your blessings you will see that they  far out weigh your troubles. (Matthew 6:33)

2.  Live Life One Day At A Time
The key to conquering any problem or sin is to learn to live life one day at a time!  Most of our fear for tomorrow never materialize. (James 4:13-15)

3.  Learn To Be A Giver
If you aren't getting our of life what you expect, it may be that you are expecting to always receive Luke 6:38)
and never give.  Being a giver will bring joy and happiness more than always receiving.  (

4.   Pray Every Day
Prayer is a way we communicate with God and tank Him for His many blessings and ask for His guidance.  Prayer is a vital ingredient in God's recipe for happiness. (Philippians 4:6)

5.  Don't Let Things Bother You
Too often we allow little things to bother us (often these things are imaginary).  We allow little things to rob us of happiness.  Christians have every reason to be at peace with ourselves when we have peace with God. (Philippians 4:7)

6.  Fill Your Life With Good
As God's children we should fill our minds with good thoughts and ideas.  There should be no room for evil thoughts in the mind of a Christian.  (Philippians 4:8)

7.  Learn To Laugh
It has been estimated that over 70% of all physical ills could be overcome if we could learn to laugh.  many Christians think it is not Christian to laugh and have fun.  But scripture tells us other wise (Proverbs 17:22)

8.  Learn To Practice Happiness
Take the time to learn to smile and be happy.  We really do have a lot to be happy about.  It's time we show the world that Christians are happy people. The only way to be truly happy is to let God have full control of your life. (Philippians 4:4)

Happiness can be found!  Although it's not found in drugs, alcohol or material wealth.  True happiness can be found only in obedience to God's will.  Only when we submit to God's Word can we have true peace and happiness.

Happy, Happy, Happy
What have you found that helps you to "be happy?"

Listen to the podcast of this message