Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Courage To Keep Going

If you have ever faced a difficult and painful situation in your life, you can identify with many people who, when faced with what seems to be overwhelming circumstances, just don't know what to do so they give up.  All of us have faced situations where we just have reached our human limits and are tired of fighting and we think giving up is the only answer.  The encouraging hope for every Christian is that God has given us a wonderful example in Christ and the Apostle Paul, of those who endured great hardship, yet had the courage to keep going.  I have eight observations from the life of Paul that should help you to have the courage to keep going in the face of adversity.

1.  He Had An Awareness That God Was With Him

In 2 Corinthians 11:22-28, Paul describes some of the adversities he faced.  Yet through them all, he knew the Lord was with him.  It's easy to believe God is with us when everything's fine, but when times are tough, we must cling to this truth so we won't become discouraged and give up.

2.  He Had The Experience Of The Lord's Strength Within Him

It was Paul who recognized that his strength did not come from himself.  In Philippians 4:13 he said "I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me."  If we are depending upon our own strength to overcome these difficult situations in our life, we will be disappointed.  There are times you will face situations you simply cannot handle and you have to give God the opportunity to show you how faithful and powerful He is and how adequate you can be when you trust Him.

3.  He Had The Assurance Of Being In God's Will

Knowing that he was accomplishing what the Lord had called him to do gave Paul the determination to keep going despite the hardship, rejection, and persecution.  Doing what we know God wants us to do will keep us going.

4.  He Had The Overflowing Joy Of Christ

Paul's joy was obvious.  He viewed all the things that had happened to him as an opportunity for the gospel to be spread.  It's easy to praise God and have joy when things are going well.  The test of who we believe our Lord to be, comes when we face the hardship.  Do we still have our confidence and joy in God or is it dependent on our circumstances?

5.  He Had An Appreciation For Life-Changing Lessons

Paul understood God's Word, that's why he could respond to trials with joy and perseverance.  Each situation was a chance to learn valuable lessons and grow in maturity.  God is always working for our good even during the hard times.  God hasn't forgotten us.

6.  He Had The Fruit God Produced Through Him

Paul traveled throughout the Roman Empire telling people about Christ and establishing churches in various cities.  After leaving those churches there were false teachers who led those churches astray.  Paul could have become discouraged and walked away from his ministry, but he didn't. Knowing that God is producing fruit through you, especially during the hardships, should give you the courage to keep going.

7.  He Had The Vision Of The Cross Before Him

Paul's only boast was in the cross of Christ because he knew it was the reason he could survive and keep going.  When Jesus willingly sacrificed Himself on our behalf, He set the ultimate example of perseverance.  Keep your eyes set on the cross!

8.  He Had A Love And Devotion To Jesus Christ

If we truly love Jesus, our loyalty will not be reserved only for the good times, but we'll remain faithful and obedient even when we experience the bad times.  Paul's devotion is described in these words to the Philippians "for to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Are you tempted to give up today?  If so, take some encouragement from the life of the Apostle Paul and see how you too can have the courage to keep going.

-- Pastor Temple

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