1. What Is Anxiety?
The word anxiety means "to be distracted or pulled apart." By definition it is the opposite of peace, which means "to be bound together." Anxiety can also be defined as "dread, apprehension, and uncertainty" and can be caused by past, present, or future events. Sometimes, anxiety can be caused by a fear of not being in control or of feeling vulnerable.
2. What Are The Sources Of Anxiety?
It is important to note that God is not the source of anxiety or worry. These two emotions do not fit our identity as followers of Christ. Instead, God is the "cure" for anxiety. Jesus told His disciples that they need not worry about what they were going to eat or drink or wear. He said if the Father takes care of the birds in air, that how much more would He take care of His children. It's important to understand that there are three sources for our anxieties.
- Legitimate Causes: There are times that we will be anxious about something that is legitimate. For example, if you are making a big presentation to your boss it is natural that you would be a little nervous maybe even somewhat anxious. But it is only temporary and shouldn't be something that totally paralyzes you.
- Inappropriate Reasons: Some reasons for anxiety that aren't legitimate and we would call inappropriate are things like not getting what you want. For instance suppose you desire to have a relationship with someone, but you know it isn't right because they are married or they are in another state and there is no way you can be together. Worrying over things that you can't control is inappropriate.
- Unacknowledged Issues: When we don't take the time and energy to deal with the cause of our anxiety, it takes up long-term residence within us, causing all sorts of emotional and even physical problems. God doesn't want His children to live this way.
3. Why Should We Avoid Anxiety?
There are many reasons we should avoid anxiety but the most important one is that it isn't scriptural. In Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus admonishes His disciples three times with the words "do not be anxious." The reason for us to not be anxious is because of the negative effect it has in our lives. Anxiety will:
- Divide our minds. Apprehension pulls us in two different directions making it hard to focus on important matters. It divides and clouds our mind.
- Slow down our productivity. Because we are distracted with worry, we can't give anything else our best efforts. It causes indecision.
- Affect our personal relationships with others. It's hard to keep our anxieties to ourselves. When we're filled with fear, we burden those around us.
- Lead to unwise decisions. Those who are overly concerned about the future are prone to make hasty decisions to stop feeling uncertain.
- Steal our joy and peace. You become irritable and angry. It's impossible for us to be fretful and peaceful at the same time.
- Proves to be a terrible waste of time and energy. Uncertainty, frustration, and worry are exhausting and achieve nothing and can even have a devastating effect on our health and causes us to anticipate problems. It can be mental cruelty and torment.
4. What Is The Correct Way To Deal With Anxiety?
With so much at stake, it's foolish to give in to anxiety or seek a quick, easy fix and temporary relief. If your days and weeks and months are filled with continual anxiety and worry here are six strategies to help you.
- Bring your worries to God. Whatever is troubling you is a matter for prayer. The first step to freedom is confessing your fears to the Lord rather than let them rule you. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to "cast all our cares on him, because he cares for us."
- Come to the Lord with an attitude of thanksgiving. In the midst of your apprehension, you may not feel grateful, but when you think about God's loving involvement in your life, you can't help but praise him. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;" Philippians 4:6
- Come with an expectation. Remember the Lord loves you unconditionally and wants the best for you. Also, He has the desire and power to help, so you can expect Him to do just that.
- Recognize that anxiety is a faith battle. We must believe that God will set us free from our anxieties. If we surrender our concerns into His hands, we can have His amazing peace, no matter what we face in life.
- Equip yourself with the Word. Confess the Word over every situation.
- Refuse to worry. Learn to trust God and not your feelings.
Don't be guilty of giving your cares to the Lord when you pray and then pick them back up minutes later. God wants to take all of your cares away. He is fully capable of handling them when they become too great of a burden for you to bear. You don't have to live with anxiety. God will give you grace to overcome.
What are you worried about today, that God is ready to handle for you? Give it to Him so you can be free from the cares of the world.
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