Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Abounding Love (Part 2)

God wants to use you to help and reach other people!  That's a fact.  It is also a fact that He can only do it if you possess an "abounding love" for people.  It is through love that we are able to see people as God sees them. It is through love that we can lead the lost to God.  And it is only through love that we can heal the sick, mend the broken-hearted, and see the supernatural accomplished.

There are two forces in the world; love and fear.  And these two are obviously counter to each other.  Love brings life, health, and peace.  Fear just the opposite; sorrow, oppression, and troubles.  Just as there are two forces, there are also two voices; God and satan.  The voice of God is the voice of love and the voice of satan is the voice of fear, doubt, and anxiety. It's important we know the difference and we listen to the voice of love if we want to be used by God.

1.  Allow compassion to move you as it moved Jesus.  Matthew 14:14 tells us Jesus was "moved with compassion."  Everywhere Jesus went He saw people the way God saw them.  If we want to be used by God, we have to operate in love and be moved with compassion. The flow of God's love in your life will move you towards the people God wants to reach!

2. Recognize that love has a "drawing" power.  Everybody desires love. And when we realize that, we will begin to see the power of the love of God. God's love is in every believer and God wants His love to work in you and flow out of you to a world that needs love.  Don't wait for someone to love you first.  Just begin by showing your love to everyone and then sit back and witness the drawing power of God's love.

3.  Follow God's love wherever it flows.  God's love may take you to places and to people, where under normal circumstances, you would never go or see.  But to be used of God, we must allow God's love to direct us.  In the Amplified Bible, the epistle of 2 John verse 6 describes it this way: "And what this love consists in is this: that we live and walk in accordance with and guided by His commandments (His orders, ordinances, precepts, teaching). This is the commandment, as you have heard from the beginning, that you continue to walk in love [guided by it and following it].

4.  Know that God wants to use you!  Greater than your desire to be used by God, is His desire to use you!  Because God has shed His love abroad in your heart (Romans 5:5) you have the potential for that love to flow out of you.  How can you ensure that God's love flows out from you? It's simple, you live your life with a clean heart, a humble spirit, and a desire to live at peace with others.

When we recognize this four things, God will bless our lives and use us for His glory!  What can you do to begin to allow God's love to flow out of you to help someone else?

What do you think?  Leave some feedback.

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