Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Abounding Love (Part 1)

Jesus summed up all of the Law and the prophets with one word...Love.  It is this one word, this one decision and act on our part that makes all the difference in how we relate to God and to others.  Without sincere love, we will view God as distant and disinterested.  And we will view people as expendable and bothersome.  As Jesus was explaining to His disciples the depth of His love for them and for us, He made one very clear statement: "This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you." (John 15:12).  Jesus wants us to love everyone just like He loved us!  Now to do this, we must know something of the love of God.  You see, God's love and Jesus' love for you is an "agape" love.  This is a love that is ardent, supreme, perfect, without question and pretense.  It is a love of self-denial.  A love that puts others first.

If we are going to walk in the "God kind of love" then we must be willing to follow four basic principles.

1.  Put On Love (Colossians 3:12-14)

As Christians, we are to literally "wear" love!  Just as we might be identified by our clothing we put on in the morning, we should be identified by the love of God we "put on" each day.  Putting on this love, is a decision on your part and it is an act on your part.  Too many people view love as an "emotion."  But the emotion we experience when we are involved in a "love" relationship is simply a by-product of our love for an individual or for God.  True love is a decision.  We make a conscious decision each day to love God and love others.  Then we "act" out that love through our deeds.  Love is demonstrated by definite acts on our part.

2.  Be Rooted And Grounded In Love (Ephesians 3:17)

When Paul speaks of being rooted and grounded in love, what he is talking about is "stability."  Love gives us a stability where we can be founded and established.  Love is the soil in which we must grow and the foundation on which we must build.  This kind of "divine" love isn't optional, it is a commandment we must live by.

3.  Walk In Love (Ephesians 5:2)

Some might ask, how do you walk in divine love?  After all, we aren't God.  Walking in divine love or "agape" love is done through "definite acts."  Just as in the story of the Good Samaritan, where he availed himself to "show" his love for the injured person by taking care of him and paying for his extended care with the inn keeper.  Divine love is shown through definite acts and it is also done in "truth."  Divine love is genuine in doctrine, profession, and in deeds.  Divine love doesn't do things for others just to be seen or for what one can get out of it.  The walk of divine love is not based on word or tongue, but a definite act on your part. (1 John 3:18).

4. Let God Teach You Love By Example (1 Thessalonians 4:9)

Paul told the Thessalonians that he didn't need to teach them about brotherly love, because they had been taught of God to love one another.  How did God teach us?  By his own example of giving His Son Jesus to die for all of humanity.  God taught us love by example while we were yet rebels and sinners (Romans 5:8).  If God loved His enemies enough to send His own son to die for our sins, surely we can love one another.

Find a place to start showing love today.  Help a friend, neighbor, or whoever, and start giving your love away.  Freely you have received, freely give!  What will you do today, to show the love of God to others?

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