Proverbs 29:25
To reject something means to “throw back.” Now, if you are a parachute quality control
inspector I would hope you would “throw back” every parachute that doesn’t meet
the strictest of quality standards because every parachute should be rejected
if it isn’t going to open properly. But
when it comes to human relationships we have to be careful that we don’t build
into people or our children a spirit of “rejection.” It’s unfortunate that many people are bound
by a spirit of rejection and as a result rather than driving them to God; it
drives them away from God. This bondage
of rejection causes people to believe they aren’t worthy of God’s love or of
the love from anyone else for that matter.
The Nature and Characteristics of Rejection:
- · It allows others to manipulate you
- · It causes you to conform to peer pressure (Romans 12:2 admonishes us to not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of our mind!)
- · It prevents you from giving and receiving love in a healthy manner
- · It produces depression
- · Rejection often creates a critical spirit in yourself and others
- · Anger and bitterness are fruits of rejection
The causes of rejection are many. Some include:
- · Hurtful and painful events in your life
- · Death of a loved one
- · Divorce
- · Parents
- · The church
- · And many other uncontrollable events in our life.

How to be Free from the Bondage of Rejection
Affirming your position in Christ on a daily basis is the
most effective way to overcome this spirit and bondage of rejection. The Word of God gives us many scriptures that
validate who you are and what you have in Christ. If you suffer and are in bondage to this
spirit of rejection, here are some scriptures that can help you overcome this
feeling of rejection:
- · Romans 5:5-8 – God loves you “unconditionally”
- · Romans 8:1 – When you ask God to forgive you of a wrong, you are forgiven!
- · Romans 8:15 – You are accepted by God and are a member of His family
- · 2 Corinthians 5:17 – You are complete and new in Christ
- · John 14:16-17 – The Holy Spirit dwells in you to help you and guide you
If you ever question how much God loves you, just remember
that God demonstrated His vast and eternal love for you through the death of
His Son, Jesus, on the cross. Rejection
can be a difficult emotion to deal with.
Many in our world feel this strong emotion, but there is hope through
understanding that the One who made you, doesn’t reject you! He loves you and desires to have a close and
bonding relationship. He is ready are
Dick Temple
Senior Pastor
Bethel Church, Choctaw
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