Let me begin by stating the obvious...Christianity is under tremendous attack! Having said that, let me also say that our response can be either one of "poor me, I'm so mistreated" or we can acknowledge that the reason Christians are so persecuted is because the devil knows the power of God's Word and he knows it's ability to change people's lives.
As Christians, we must learn to expect "attacks" from the enemy and to respond with a "boldness" that stands up for the truth. We are entrusted with the greatest message in the world, the message of salvation and righteousness! Romans 1:16-18 is a clear declaration of God's power to save all who believe, no matter who they are. Paul wasn't ashamed of the gospel, and we shouldn't be either. Let's look at four aspects of the Gospel that Paul affirmed.
- For I Am Not Ashamed--The reason Paul wasn't ashamed of the gospel, was because he knew that it was the "good news" from God Himself and was given to be proclaimed to the entire world! This message that Paul proclaimed was considered foolishness to the intellectuals (the Greeks) and a stumbling block to his own people (the Jews). No matter how much Paul was ridiculed he still continued to preach and teach the truth of God's Word. We cannot be ashamed of something so powerful and true! It is time we declare with a convinced voice that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only answer to the world's problems.
- The Gospel Is The Power Of God--Paul wasn't ashamed because the gospel is the power of God to save. This word power means might, strength, energy, force, and strength of God. The power is not only "of God," this power is God's very nature! God chose to use His power in a loving and merciful way by sending humanity the good news that salvation is possible through His Son Jesus Christ. The only hope of the entire world is God's salvation. 1 Timothy 2:4 "...God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth." God saves all who believe. Belief is the one condition for salvation, but we must always remember that a person who really believes commits himself to what he believes.
- Unto Salvation--When we look at the word "salvation" it has many meanings as it applies to our lives. Salvation is: deliverance from being lost. It is deliverance from sin, mistakes, corrupt ideas and thoughts. It is also deliverance from enemies and dangers that come against us. The gospel is the power of God to deliver us from all these and more. Salvation means that God gives security and peace to the soul and gives us inward strength and courage to bear the onslaught and attacks of the devil. Finally, salvation means to make well, to heal, to restore to health, and to make well both physically and mentally. The power of the gospel brings salvation to the world!
- For The Righteousness Of God Is Revealed--Paul was not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the revelation of God's righteousness. Humanity has a serious problem thinking that they can some how be righteous within themselves. Scripture is very clear that our righteousness is as "filthy rags" in the sight of God. The only answer to humanity's problem is faith in God and His power to save them.

Pastor Temple this sermon really ministered to me last Sunday. Today at work the Lord opened the way for me to share the gospel with a co-worker who said she knew the Lord but had strayed from Him in the past few months. The Holy Spirit open a way for us to have church right there at work. She came away saying that she will be back in church this Sunday and that she really felt the Lord loves her and forgives her. I'm thankful and grateful the Lord had you preach on "boldness". My "boldness" came through today. God is so good!!
ReplyDeleteRobin Wilson
Thank you Robin. I am glad the Holy Spirit gave you the opportunity to use your boldness for Christ. Your friend and co-worker will be in our prayers. If there is anything we can do, please let us know.