Monday, July 14, 2014

What Is Your Passion?

Nothing of any importance is ever accomplished without someone's passion behind it.  It is passion that makes the impossible possible and motivates individuals to pursue what others may say are "outrageous" dreams.  But it is the passion behind those dreams that gives you the stamina, persistence and endurance to keep on going when everyone else says quit.  Passion is the essential element that brings fulfillment, satisfaction, and purpose to one's life.  If we aren't careful, as time goes by we have a tendency to lose our momentum, our vision, and our passion for God.  I want to share with you "seven passion killers" so that you will be aware of the things that will rob you of your joy, passion, energy, vision and purpose in life.

  1. An Unbalanced Life.  Living an unbalanced life simply means that your priorities aren't in order.  When your priorities aren't in order you never take the time to recharge concerning the things that should be most important to you.  The way we keep our life balanced is to worship God daily, associate with people who have a passion for God, daily read God's Word, be involved in ministry, and share our faith.  If you don't keep your life balanced, you will inevitably lose your passion for the things of God.
  2. Unused Talent.  Everyone has some talent that God has given them.  Yet when we don't use it, we begin to lose our passion for life and for God.  The gifts and talents that God has blessed you with are not for your own benefit, but they are for the benefit of the Kingdom of God and for others in the Body of Christ as well as the world.  God doesn't want you to waste your life and talent.  He gave you a gift you should use it for Him.
  3. Un-confessed Sin.  Un-confessed sin will rob us of our passion and turn us from a purposeful life to a purposeless life.  Un-confessed sin will rob you of love, joy, confidence, and passion.  When David had un-confessed sin, his life was miserable.  Yet when he "acknowledged" his sin to God, God forgave the "guilt" of his sin (Psalm 32:5) and his life was totally changed.
  4. Unresolved Conflict.  Conflict drains the passion out of you.  One thing is for certain, you cannot control the behavior of others, nor your circumstances, but you can control how you respond to those things.  You have to learn how to guard your soul and your heart and not allow these emotions to continue to manipulate, control or affect your passion, your destiny, your purpose, or your motivation in life.
  5. Lack of Spiritual Support.  It is very important that you learn to choose wisely who you are around.  The people you associate with will have a definite influence on your life.  You will naturally lose passion for God when you spend time with people who have no passion for God.
  6. Unclear Purpose.  When you forget your purpose for your life it is a sure way to kill your passion for life and for God.  When our purpose is unclear we labor in vain.  Passion and purpose go together.
  7. Undernourished Spirit.  You must intentionally nourish your spirit.  If you don't do it nobody else is going to do it for you.  If you don't take the time to do it, you are going to be effected greatly.
Be watchful of those things that will kill the passion God wants you to have.  Make sure you keep your passion so you can fulfill what God desires you to do.

-- Pastor Temple

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