Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Church's Greatest Need (Part 2)

As I established in Part 1 of this post, the greatest need of the church is for it to experience a continual move of God!  Unfortunately Satan has come up with many ways to try and prevent this from happening.  In this post I want to share  with you four hindrances to a move of God and the two ingredients necessary for the church to see God move.

Hindrances To A Move Of God

1.  Lack of Unity -- If the church ever wants to see a true move of God, then there must be godly unity among the believers.  And godly unity begins with being unified with Christ.  We can't be unified with one another, until we are unified with Christ.  "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity." (Psalm 133:1).  Unity among believers is not everyone thinking the same about everything, but it is every believer focusing in on Christ and what He thinks, what He wants and then us responding by doing exactly what Christ says.  The greatest move of God in the church was in the book of Acts where the people were in "one mind and one accord." (Acts 2:1-4; 4:32;5:12).  There is great power in unity.

2.  Lack of a Real Relationship With God -- Let's be honest, there are many people who attend "church" who do not have a "real relationship" with God.  They attend out of habit or duty and God or "religion" is a separate compartment from the rest of their life.  Let me ask you this question: "What kind of relationship would you have with your spouse if you spent the same amount of time with them as you do with God?"  For many the answer would be not very good! To have a real relationship with anyone, including God, you must spend quality time with them. Relationships don't just happen, you have to make them happen and the relationship isn't based on works, but love, dedication, commitment, unselfishness and being totally sold out to God.

3.  Selfishness -- Selfishness is so deceptive yet it is so rampant and is one of the greatest sins in the church.  If we would come to church as givers and not takers our whole view and concept on what should happen in a service would change.  The church has been deceived into thinking that God will move and we don't have to do anything.  We have sacrificed unity, relationship, compassion and hearing the voice of God for selfishness and it isn't working.  It is time we repent of our selfishness and see ourselves as servants of God ready to be givers rather than takers.

4.  Lack of Compassion -- When we don't have a relationship with God, we cannot move with compassion.  If you will assess where you are in your compassion, you will know where you are in relationship with God.  Compassion always gravitates towards the needs of others.  When we lose our vision and compassion for souls, for the hurting, sick, etc. we have lost our relationship with God.  Jesus set the example and showed us the way of compassion.  We are to follow His example.

Two Ingredients Important To A Move Of God

1.  Prayer -- "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14). When the church commits to prayer, that's when we will see a true move of God!

2.  Praise and Worship -- The move of God is often ushered in on praise and worship.  The Psalmist declared: "Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord!" (Psalm 150:6). When we are committed to praise and worship of the Almighty God we will see His power and presence!

-- Pastor Temple

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