Tuesday, January 7, 2014

God's Thoughts On The New Year

For most people the new year can signify many things.  For some it's a new start in school or job, others it could be new goals (personal or business), and for almost everyone it is a time for new year's resolutions! But for us to accomplish all that God wants us to accomplish in 2014 we have to do it His way and not ours.  In this post I want to share with you seven actions that will help you accomplish what God wants for your life and how they are best implemented.

Several years ago, God gave me seven steps I was to follow in regards to the physical and spiritual growth for our church.  As I prayed about them I realized that these steps are also applicable to each individual as they plan their goals and commitments for the new year.

1.  Simplicity -- As much as possible we have to keep our life "simple."  We can't allow the complexities of life to overwhelm us.  Take time to carefully examine your life and see if there are
areas where you could simplify it.

2.  Anointing -- Allow God to keep His spiritual anointing in your life.  God's anointing in your life is negatively affected by two things:  Grieving (Ephesians 4:30) and quenching (1 Thessalonians 5:19) the Holy Spirit.  We grieve the Holy Spirit when we sin, and we quench the Holy Spirit when we suppress His leading. If you want God's anointing in your life then you must "not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live..." (Ephesians 4:30 - NLT) and you must allow the Spirit to lead you.

3.  Excitement -- Excitement and enthusiasm are key components to you accomplishing what God wants you to accomplish.  Never allow others to damper your enthusiasm and excitement about following God.

4.  Inspirational -- What you do, and who you are, must inspire not just yourself, but others also!

5.  Informational -- Always be willing to share what you know.  Be informative.  Don't hold back your knowledge, especially when it will benefit others.

6.  Involving -- For you to grow spiritually, you must get involved and stay involved.

7.  Specialize -- Be specific about what God has called you to do and do it.  Don't try to do it all! Trying to do it all is a recipe for disappointment and failure.  Figure out what you do well and do it for God's glory!

How do you do this?  Here are four simple steps for completing these actions.

Change -- Don't be so set in your ways that you are unwilling to change.  Change has to begin with your "thinking" and God wants to change many of our ways of thinking.  He wants to see spiritual changes taking place in our life. So be willing and open to change.

Get Focused And Stay Focused -- There are too many things that have our attention and most of the time it isn't God.  Check your life and re-evaluate it to make sure you are focused on the important things.  This can't just be done once a year, but it has to be done continually, at least once a month and preferably every week.

Clean Up Your Life And Your Home -- I mean this in the literal and spiritual sense. Too many Christians are living too close to the world.  We have to get rid of the hindrances in our life and put God first.

See God's Destiny For Your Life -- God has a purpose and a destiny for you.  Don't ignore it.  It is time you acknowledge it and like the Nike ad campaign of many years ago, "Just Do It!"

Allow your thoughts to be God's thoughts in this new year.  Allow God's ways to be your ways in 2014.  When you do, you will have the best year of your life!

-- Pastor Temple

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