Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Turning A Crisis Into An Opportunity

At some point in time, everyone will face a crisis.  That's just the way life is.  The test for us comes in how we respond to the adversity or crisis.  Our response will determine if the crisis destroys us or if we grow from it and become a better person.  I want to share with you the story of Joseph and the crisis's he faced.  Then I want to show you how to turn your crisis into an opportunity.

Seven Crisis's In The Life Of Joseph (Genesis 37-50)

  • He was hated by his brothers.  Most of us would agree, that if all our siblings "hated" us it would be a definite adversity.  Yet this is the situation that Joseph found himself in.  It didn't help matters any that he told them they would one day "bow" down to him.
  • He was thrown into a pit.  Angry with Joseph, his brothers threw him into a pit and left him to die.  They were going to leave him there with no food or water.  For most of us, our crisis seems like a "pit of despair." No way out.  But through it all Joseph was confident that God would deliver him because of the future God had promised.
  • He was sold into slavery by his brothers.  While waiting for their older brother Reuben to return and deciding what to do with Joseph, his brothers saw a band of Ishmeelite slave traders and they sold Joseph into slavery and he ended up in Egypt.
  • Forced to work as a slave for Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's guard.  As a slave Joseph learned many valuable skills while working for Potiphar.  Even in a crisis, you can learn new things and your character can be developed.
  • Targeted for seduction by Potiphar's wife.  This was a critical point in Joseph's life.  Many would have given in to the advances of Potiphar's wife.  But Joseph stayed true to himself and to God and overcame  this crisis.
  • He was sent to prison unjustly.  Potiphar's wife lied about Joseph and as a result Joseph was sent to prison.  But even in prison, Joseph found favor with the jail keeper and he was shown mercy and given charge over all the other prisoners.
  • He was asked to interpret Pharaoh's dream.  Because Joseph had an ability to interpret dreams he was asked to interpret one of Pharaoh's dreams.  Joseph told him that his dream meant there would be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.  He advise Pharaoh to put back grain during the years of abundance so there would be plenty in the years of famine.  Pharaoh was so impressed, that he put Joseph second in command!
How To Turn A Crisis Into An Opportunity

There are fifteen strategies you need to follow if you want to turn your current crisis into an opportunity.
  1. Trust that God is working everything in your life for good. (Romans 8:28).
  2. Believe that the Heavenly Father is in control.
  3. Accept that the Lord's ways are higher than yours (Isaiah 55:8-9).
  4. Refuse to make quick judgments during the crisis.  Don't have a knee jerk reaction.
  5. Focus on the Father instead of the circumstances and meditate on the Scriptures.
  6. Avoid dwelling on the pain.
  7. Recall past crisis and the opportunities that followed.
  8. Let go of anger immediately (Ephesians 4:26).
  9. Submit to God's will.
  10. Demonstrate a spirit of gratitude.
  11. Determine to view the trial as a chance to see God at work.
  12. Refuse to listen to unscriptural interpretations of the situation.
  13. Remain in constant prayer listening to the Father for instructions.
  14. Don't give in to fluctuating emotions.
  15. Obey God and leave all the consequences up to Him.
What crisis are you facing today.  Be of good courage, your Heavenly Father has it all in control. Lean on Him for understanding and He will deliver you.

--Pastor Temple 

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