Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Breaking The Chains Of Bondage (Part 5)

In this post I want to share with you why it is that many people never break free from the bondage they are in, and then give you a few steps that will set you on the path to freedom!

1. Why Many Never Break Free

The reasons are many, but one of the primary reasons is of a persons own doing.  In other words too many people refuse to put God first in their life.  God is always an "afterthought"  to them.  Another reason people stay trapped in their bondage, is that they never see it as a spiritual battle and they have lived with it for so long. They must be willing to take the time to learn God's Word and understand their authority before they will be "set free."
2. The Three Sources of Strongholds
Strongholds are derived from three sources:

  • Our past experiences:  Strongholds have their root in the experiences you have had.  You must remember that what happened in your past is never the issue that brings bondage, but rather how we "related" to what happened is what brings the bondage.
  • Our environment:  What is considered normal and acceptable by the world around us may be in direct conflict with the Word of God. These beliefs become entrenched in our minds and form strongholds that keep us in bondage.
  • False Conclusions:  False information produces false conclusions in our thinking.  People accommodate a stronghold for so long that their personalities are identified with it.  Abnormal then seems normal!

3.  Nature of Bondage
You have to understand that everyone who practices sin is the slave of sin (John 8:34).  If anything
is controlling you (aside from Jesus), you are in bondage to it to some degree.  Only Christ can liberate us from the things that enslave our soul and spirit.

4. Process of Bondage
Bondage begins with a desire for something that seems innocent and harmless.  You begin by ignoring the warnings of your conscience, and believing that what you are doing is helping meet a need.  You believe the enemy's lie that it won't hurt you, although it has destroyed others. After a while you become comfortable with the sin because your conscience becomes dull.  Although you may hate the issue that keeps you in bondage you may dread confessing its power over your life even more.

5.  Admitting You Have A Spiritual Problem
The first step to freedom is admitting you have a spiritual problem and not a physical one.  If someone isn't willing to admit their problem is spiritual they won't find freedom.

6.  Making A Decision To Be Free
The decision to be free is up to YOU!  You must make that decision and turn from the bondage that Satan has put you in through his strongholds.  You must deliberately take steps to embrace God's freedom and power not yours.  If you need some guidance and accountability, just make sure the person helping you is Christ-centered and trustworthy.

If you believe that Jesus redeemed you from sin, then know He can and will set you free from any spiritual bondage.  Deliverance from bondage begins with crying out to God with a sincere heart just as David did (Psalm 34:17).

God is ready are you?

Pastor Temple

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