Monday, February 18, 2013

The Discipline of Giving (Guest Post)

This weeks blog is a guest post from Keith Fife.  Keith is the Associate Pastor at Bethel Church, Choctaw.  Leave him some feedback.

Chapters eight and nine of 2 Corinthians contain the most important passage in the New Testament on the responsibilities and joys of giving to support the Lord's work.  As you read this post, I challenge you to think about your own personal giving.  Consider the following questions as you read: How do you "feel" when you give? Why do you give? What do you give?  When do you give?  All these are important for you to consider as you develop a healthy attitude and discipline toward giving.

Paul was excited and yet a little concerned about the "collection" the Corinthians were receiving to give to the Christian Jews in Jerusalem.  He was so excited that he was "boasting" about it to the Macedonians and in turn they became so exited that they too wanted to give also.  But Paul was also a little concerned that the Corinthians may not do what they promised so he sent some "brothers" ahead to make sure they followed through on what they said they would do (2 Corinthians 9:3-5).  From theses first few verses in chapter nine we can learn some valuable principles about our "giving."

1.  Enthusiasm Stirs Others To Action:  In 2 Corinthians 9:2 Paul said "...and your (the Corinthians) enthusiasm has stirred most of them (the Macedonians) to action."  Your influence is important!  It can be positive or negative.  Ask yourself; How am I using my influence?  Am I using it to help people, or to bring them down?  If you are connected in any way with other people, you are influencing them.  Make sure it is for the good and that it motivates them to action.

2.  Don't Allow Covetousness To Influence Your Giving:  Giving shouldn't be an afterthought.  We should come prepared to give.  That's one of the reasons Paul sent the "brothers" ahead of him to Corinth because he wanted them to already have the "gift" arranged before hand.  In 2 Corinthians 9:5 it says: "So I thought it necessary to urge the brethern that they would go on ahead to you and arrange beforehand your previously promised bountiful gift, so that the same would be ready as a bountiful gift and not affected by covetousness."  Don't allow covetousness to "change your mind on giving."

3.  Give What You Have Decided In Your Heart To Give:  Don't subtract the cable or cell phone bill out of your giving.  Don't subtract Saturday night's "entertainment" out of your giving.  Don't give reluctantly nor out of necessity or compulsion.  But do give "cheerfully!"  Laugh and smile when you give!  God will "love" you for it (2 Corinthians 9:7).

4. And God Is Able:  What more do you need to know when it comes to giving and supplying your needs other than "God is able."  God's grace will provide all that you need, in every situation and every time you need it.  This grace will cause you to "abound" in every good work!  Giving will motivate you to work in the Kingdom!

5.  Your Giving Results In Praise And Recognition To God, Not The Giver:  Your giving is never about you.  It is about God and others.  As Paul states in 2 Corinthians 9:12-14 your giving will cause men (and women) to praise God.  It is also a demonstration of your obedience.  It validates your confession of the Gospel of Christ and your generous spirit.  When you give, it motivates others to pray for you and their hearts will go out to you.

The Men of Purpose at Bethel have a ministry call "The New Commandment Men's Ministry" and it is designed to be long term commitments to assist widows and single parents who need help with basic repairs on their home, cars, etc.  The following is from a card this ministry received from one of the widows they help:

Precious Heavenly Father, In the Name of Jesus, Father, I love you so much.
I want to thank you for all the blessings you have given me. I give thanks for my church and to the Men of Purpose.   Father God, you know I have had many needs concerning my home and you have touched the hearts of these men to help me and others that need help so desperately. Father, through the obedience of these men, I am able to stay a longer time in my house.
Father, I ask in the name of Jesus to bless the Men of Purpose ministry and enlarge them by growth in number, finances, and health.

In the Name of Jesus,
This is my heart & prayer for all of you! God bless you!
-Wilma B.

I challenge you to read 2 Corinthians 9:12-15 again.  When you do you will see the parallel with this prayer from this widow.  This is the result of a giving spirit!

What about your giving?  Does it stir others to action?  Are you giving cheerfully and generously?  God will pour out "bountiful" blessings when we give.  And remember, God owns it all anyways! So start giving today.

---Keith Fife

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