Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Destroying Strongholds (Part 2)

In part two of my message on "Destroying Strongholds," I want to cover what the enemy's plan is in regards to strongholds in your life and the sources from which strongholds are derived.  Before you can effectively destroy them, it is important for you to understand why they are there and what Satan's plans are when it comes to attacks and strongholds in you life.

The Enemy's Plan

The first thing that you need to know is that the enemy's plan is to establish a stronghold in a particular area of our life and then hold you in bondage to it as long as you will allow him to do so.  As long as this stronghold is left unchallenged, it will inhibit any spiritual growth in your life.  The most effective way of "challenging" the stronghold is to resist the devil by using the spiritual weapons of our warfare and putting him to flight!  God's Word promises us that "greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world."  This promise should give us the confidence to challenge and defeat the stronghold and its author, Satan.

Remember, a stronghold is a place where Satan's thoughts seem more credible than ours or God's!  That is why we cannot "give place to the devil," especially in our thought life.  It is through the thought life that Satan works on our will which in turn influences us to give in to the stronghold.  Satan will offer up an "endless" power of suggestion to our thought life.  If it isn't checked by the Word of God and cast down and brought into "captivity" to the obedience of Christ, it will grow and become worse and worse!  If we are not spiritually aware, we will naturally view the ideas and suggestions as "ours" and not Satan's.

The longer a stronghold remains the more difficult it is to deal with:  The progression of the stronghold is:
  • First  we begin to make excuses for it
  • Second, we begin to justify it
  • Third, we begin to legalize it
  • Fourth, we begin to fight to protect it
The Sources of Strongholds

Strongholds are derived from three different sources:
  1. Experiences--What happened in our past is not the issue, but rather how we related to what happened.  How we deal with our experiences will produce bondage or promote freedom!
  2. Environment--What is considered normal and acceptable in the world around us may be in direct conflict with the Word of God.  A part from Christ, these beliefs can become entrenched in our minds so as to form strongholds the enemy uses to keep us in bondage.
  3. Error or False Conclusions--False information produces false conclusions in our thinking.  When we come to Christ, the truth of God's Word begins to deliver us from the false belief system that the world gave to us.  If this false belief system isn't replaced with the truth, then the abnormal way that we have acted in for so long, begins to seem normal and as a result we try to justify it by saying "well that's just the way I am."  Error must be replaced with Truth if the stronghold is to be destroyed.
Faith Principles For Destroying Strongholds

There are three scriptures that embody the faith principles for destroying the strongholds in your life:
  1. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5--This passage instructs us to "bring thoughts into the captivity of Christ" and to live a life of obedience to God's Word.
  2. James 4:7--This second step for destroying strongholds involves "submitting ourselves to God" and "resisting the devil."  This is a vital component in overcoming any sin or stronghold.
  3. 1 Peter 5:9--As you continue to yield yourself to Christ, He will remove Satan's armor and will show you what you need to deal with that is a stronghold in your life.  As this happens you will begin to see that the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God!
Strongholds do not need to consume your life and keep you in bondage.  There is freedom in Christ as we yield ourselves to Him and to the Truth of His Word.  Are you ready to get free today?  God's ready to set you free from any bondage you may have.

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