Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Who God Created You To Be

Many people struggle with trying to identify their purpose in life.  Whether they are Christians or not, people wrestle with the question “Why am I here and what am I suppose to do?  One of the reasons people have difficulty with these questions, is because they don’t know the Source of who created them.

A person who doesn’t have a relationship with God will have a limited understanding and a limited capability of attaining what God created them to be.  God isn’t trying to make you into something, He is trying to expose the real you He already sees and made.  Humans were born to expose God’s nature.  And the first step in living out God’s plan for your life is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and your Lord.

There are three principles that are vital to understanding who God create you to be.

1.  Know the source of who you are to be

Everything comes from God and everything belongs to God.  “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (1 Corinthians 10:26; John 1:1-4); that includes you!  You belong to God, because you were created by God.  Who you are is related to where you came from.  When God looks at you He sees the finished product.  He sees things in you that others may ignore.  Stop believing what others say about you and start believing what God says.  God says you were made in His image (Genesis 1:26).  God says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).  Your potential is limited only by God, and not others.

2.  Understand the seed principle

When you look at a seed, it is not all it could become.  The seed in and of itself is just a seed.  But within the seed there is great potential.  Take an acorn for example.  By itself it is just one seed and one tree.  But there is potential in that one seed to create a forest!  God created everything, including you with great potential.  Don’t limit God’s potential in your life.  Allow God to accomplish in you everything He wants to accomplish.

3.  Don’t settle for past accomplishments

Think about some of the great men of the Bible.  What if men like Moses, Abraham, or Paul had settled for and were content with only what they had accomplished in the past?  If Moses had given up after fleeing Egypt, he never would have encountered God in the burning bush.  If Paul had settled for just being a “Pharisee of the Pharisees” he never would have met Jesus on the Damascus road and written over half of the New Testament.

People who stop without achieving their full potential rob their generation.  God doesn’t want us to be unhappy with just what we have accomplished up to a certain time in our life, He wants us to know there is much more to accomplish.

Four Keys to becoming who God created you to be

  • Know your Source, and your Source is God.
  • Understand how God designed you to function.  You are to function in faith and in love.
  • Know your purpose.  Purpose gives birth to responsibility and responsibility makes demands on who you are  becoming.
  • Guard who you know you were created to be.  Satan is out to destroy so you must be on guard against his devices.

Never give up on who God created you to be.  There is great potential in your life to be a “world changer.”  God has done His part and now it’s up to you.  Are you ready to be who God created you to be?  If so, start today!  Your life will never be the same again!

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